Disclaimer: Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate Spring at all. In fact it is the best
thing that ever happened to me since Winter (if you know what I mean). But
coming from a country with only two seasons (wet and dry, and something in
between which could count as the 3rd), my concept of Spring can be
best described by the cliché “a bouquet of flowers and a bag full of sunshine” and so discovering this dark side of Spring in Japan really came as a surprise.
Weeks before the much awaited Sakura
(cherry blossoms) paradise and the blooming of plums and other spring flowers,
this new human hype dominated the sights.
people were wearing masks, sneezing and coughing here and there (my friends and
labmates included). There were people with red and itchy eyes, people with sore
throat and other unexplainable (or maybe psychological) feelings. Allergies
flare up at their worse! And even people who never had any allergies eventually developed them here.
And the culprit? Just the littlest of things. Pollen. Flowers don't bloom without a price.
Cherry blossom pollen. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of pollen grains from a cherry tree flower (Prunus yedoensis) |
At the gates of Spring, Hay fever welcomes you with open arms. Welcome
to Spring in Japan indeed!
What is Hay Fever anyway? (source)
花粉症 かふんしょう kafunshou hay fever
花粉 かふん kafun pollen
アレルギー arerugii allergy
Department store sales clerk displays anti-hayfever mask and goggles at Toyko's Mitsukoshi department store |