Oh Spring! My blogposts this month are dedicated to you. Here are some of the most beautiful Sakura (cherry blossom) shots I have pooled from the net, from my collection and that of my friends. Take a break from your busy day and as the saying goes..take time to smell (and revel at the sight) of flowers
P.S. To my loved ones, how I wish you could share these sights with me...^_^
- Sakura 6 More of those heavenly things (From mellow_stuff of Flickr)
- Sakura 8 I love you Pink (Photo credit)
- Sakura 9 Pink is Love (from Focx Photography in Flickr)
- Sakura 10 Have a date with me here in Kyoto (Photo Credit)
When I look at these photos, I learn to love life more and to appreciate how beautiful the world is despite all odds. And silently I whisper, "your creation is good my Maker".
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