- Bed of Tulips
Spring is Tulip Time!!!! Tulip! Tulip! Tulip! Jump and Split! (^_^) Sorry for getting all hyped up.
I think it is not very difficult to recognize a tulip, with their large cup-shaped flowers and tall stem. As a backgrounder, Tulips are some of the most popular spring flowers of all time, and the third most popular flowers worldwide next only to the Rose and Chrysanthemum (my source here).
- To be a bit geeky,
- Kingdom:Plantae
- Division: Magnoliophyta
- Class: Lilliopsida
- Order: Liliales
- Family:Liliaceae
- Genus:Tulipa
- Seeing a lot of beautiful tulips here in Japan made me appreciate their colors and every time I see one, I am so tempted to pick a flower and bring it home. Luckily I do not succumb to these temptations. But as I share some pictures with you (shared through my Indonesian friend Sari), I am sure you will hear those evil voices too.
- Enjoy!
- 1. Yellow Tulips
- Yellow tulips used to represent hopeless love but are now associated with cheerfulness and sunshine.
- 2. White Tulips
- White tulips are used to claim worthiness or to send a message of forgiveness. (Very controversial, I guess)
- 3. Red Tulips
- Do I need to say it? I am sure you know the meaning of red tulips very well. But aside from declaring true love, for those who practice feng shui, red tulips help bring fame into one's life. (Hmmmm...now I am really considering....)
- Red Tulips from my Japanese friend's garden
- 4. Pink Tulips
- Less romantic than red tulips, pink tulips symbolize care and encouragement to someone.
- Pink Tulips (from aidken of Flickr)
- 5. Orange Tulips
- Orange tulips symbolize fascination, warmth and happiness.
- Orange Tulips (Photo credit)
- 6. Mixed Tulips
- Anything goes with this crazily beautiful tulips. Splash of colors here, and bit of blending and sunshine there makes these tulips perfect eye candies. Don't you just want to eat them?
- Red and Orange (Photo from robertodevido or Flickr)
- 7. Purple Tulips
- Last but definitely not the least. Rather, they are the hardest ones to resist!!!! These tulips bear one of my favorite colors in life. The color purple is often referred as a symbol of royalty, power, luxury and serenity.
- A purple tulip garden ("Hope Patch") is also a reminder that the future can be better and that tomorrow brings another day.
- (Pick me, pick me not, pick me, pick me not, stop me please!)
- Most of the shots are taken from Banpaku kinen koen (The Expo Commemoration Park) in Northern Osaka. It is a 15-20 minute bike-ride from my apartment and as Handai students we can enter for free.
- By the way, I got the meanings here:
- What Do Tulip Colors Mean? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6736795_do-tulip-colors-mean_.html#ixzz1sltZTaeS
- And lastly, while writing this blog I found this. So cute, desu ne?
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